Talking Stage How Hong Should the Talking Stage Last?

You don’t really know someone until you know them for a long time. So, at first, you have no idea if the person you’re talking to is a player.

It all depends on you, how you view dating, and your connection with whoever it is you’re talking to. The talking stage may seem long and drawn out, and you may just want to cut to the chase and get married, but it’s so important you take your time and really make sure you look out for those red flags. This can be confused with dating as it is obvious but the talking stage is the period before you actually start dating.

  • This can get into sexting territory quickly, so try to keep things on topic.
  • It basically means that two people are getting their feelings together and you guys are just trying to figure out you guys feelings and what you guys are meant for each other.
  • The talking stage is the time where you get to know someone but aren’t sure how interested you are.
  • It’s easy to overthink everything and you can lose your authentic self in the process.
  • Although this part of dating can be annoying because not everyone enters or leaves this stage at the same time, it is so important.

You’ve been hitting up their DMs and chatting day and night with your crush. The two of you can hardly go a few hours without texting, jumping on the phone, or Facetiming. Your loved ones can also provide you with companionship. While being able to stick to your set boundaries may not be the easiest thing to do, especially if you catch a case of the feels, a list that you turn to regularly may not be enough. Instead, consider amending your boundaries for the situation, but not totally dismissing them. Be honest about who you are and what you are looking for. Don’t settle for less than what you want because you think that’s what you have to do in order to find a relationship.

Talking Stage

”If you expect the talking stage to be an exclusive stage and the other person does not, this might lead to heartache down the line, so clear communication is essential,” Dr. Caroline West told Refinery29. ”The talking stage can be harmful if you are not genuine and/or honest with yourself and the person involved about your intentions,” says Devonish. As any relationship expert will tell you, no matter what sort of relationship you’re in, communication is paramount. Since a lot of the talking stage occurs on your phone, you need to make sure you’re still present in your life and not constantly checking your texts to see if they hit you up. Do not drop everything to reply to their messages immediately whenever your receive one. Managing your expectations during the talking stage also means remembering that you are not committed to this individual yet . While there is potential for the talking stage to progress to an actual relationship, it is still a very early stage in the dating process and should be treated as such.

Another perk of the talking stage is that it really lets you suss out someone’s intentions and whether they are genuinely interested in you, and in getting married. Going out on dates while you are in this stage is a great way philippino brides to spend quality time with someone new without committing to them exclusively. Depending on your preferences, this factor may mean more to you than others. If you are seeking a romantic partner that is confident and comfortable making and solidifying plans, you will want your partner to take initiative at least as much as you do. By defining your wants and needs with prospective partners, you will also save time and avoid getting stuck with someone who can’t or won’t meet those needs. Being clear when you are first getting to know one another can save you from heartbreak or feeling let down later on in the relationship. Because everyone is unique, they will likely have different thoughts and preferences about when they feel comfortable committing to a relationship.

Key Takeaways: How to Talk to a Guy with Confidence

Before beginning a conversation, eye contact lets you test the waters to see if someone is interested. I’ve been having X-rated thoughts all day, and it’s all your fault. Here is a tweet from a guy who believes that this stage can last up to six months. By having long talks, you ”test run” your prospective lover. And if the test results turn out to be negative, it will not hurt you to admit that you should get back to the search again.

It’s good to know how freaky they are ahead of time. Sure, a crafty cheater would say, ”No,” but it’s still a good question to ask.

A more fluid approach to relationships and relationship-building gives people more space to date with intention, to think about what they really want out of their love lives and pursue it on their own terms. If the person you are talking to has already expressed an intention to move further, don’t miss your chance. Accept the rules of an exclusive relationship, and don’t be afraid to experience some extra pressure. If two people are meant to be together, the transition from the talking stage to dating will go smoothly. While many people find talking stages daunting, others see it as a ”comfort zone” because they experience no pressure while spending time with a few potential dates simultaneously. The talking stage is a relatively new concept coined by all-time innovative Generation Z. We can describe it as the earliest stage of a romantic relationship.

But in real life, the talking stages can end painfully. If you feel your partner on a deeper level and are interested in dating, the end of communication may break your heart. With all that said, this uncertain dating stage is nothing new. In fact, as the dating scene has changed dramatically over the years it has been a part of it in some form. And today we have an amalgamation of them all — commitment is scary, sex is celebrated and figuring out relationships has never been more difficult. And this is all while most of us have the same end goal of being loved. This article was co-authored by John Keegan and by wikiHow staff writer, Devin McSween.

When you have talks with someone, you don’t set too high expectations. You have plenty of time to decide whether you want to be with this guy or not. The main difference here is that when you are dating somebody, you already have an emotional connection. You like your partner, and you know that they like you back. It is totally normal and okay to grieve the relationship. Take time for yourself and ask your friends and family for support if you need it.

The talking stage can last anywhere from 2 weeks to 2 months. How long the talking stage lasts really depends on you and your crush!