ContentLicensing to Preserve Trademark OwnershipWhat Is a Royalty Agreement?Watch ArticlesSenior Auditor - Music RoyaltiesProducts For example, if the carrying amount of a royalty asset exceeds its recoverable amount by $100, then impairment is posted in the books of the intellectual rights owner . Let us assume...

Content23 Stepchild and Foster Child ExceptionsWhat is a household member?What is my tax household size?Help improve!Financial Aid Topics If you live with a person rent free in that person’s home, you must reduce the amount you provide for support of that person by the fair...

ContentInheritance and Estate TaxPayroll ResourcesEducation Expense CreditIllinois State Tax GuideLocal Motor Fuel TaxProperty TaxHistorical Illinois tax policy information However, Illinois offers property tax breaks for some retirees. Illinois also has high property taxes when compared with the rest of the country, but at least there is...

ContentFinancial Accounting Standards Board (FASB): Definition and How It WorksOrganizationAICPA's GAAP agreementWhat is the Financial Accounting Standards Board?ADVISORY COUNCILOverview of the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) This is in order to provide financial reporting objectives that promote a transparent discussion of the reporting entity’s financial position,...